Do you have joint pain, digestive discomfort, skin issues like acne, psoriasis and eczema,  brain fog, a chronic illness and pain that will not go away?

This program is the solution you have been looking for.   

Together we will find the foods you are sensitive to and the vitamin and minerals you are deficient in.  

Introducing My NEW Offer...

In this program we eliminate food sensitivities plus replenish vitamin and mineral deficiencies we can reduce the pain and discomfort you are feeling.


What you'll get:

  • One Complete Hair Analysis Test
  • Lab Report Summary of Results
  • One Zoom or Phone Call to Discuss Your Results
  • Plus a Personalized Supplement Protocol

Why Hair Analysis WORKS

A Hair Analysis Will Help You:

  • Receive real results showing foods to avoid and what nutrients you're deficient in
  • Reduce chronic inflammation and joint pain
  • Live a better life with less pain
  • Have more energy
  • Increased mood

The Hair Analysis Consultation Program is a way to improve your overall health, wellness, and energy while helping to decrease inflammation.

About Your Coach, Tricia!

I am a holistic nutritionist, you can pretty much guess that I eat a pretty well balanced healthy diet.  I eat lots of organic fruits and veggies, as well as grass fed local meat and organic whole grains.

BUT I was getting joint pain in my knee, it was getting pretty bad, I could not squat low to look in the bottom cupboard or getting groceries and squatting to see what was on the bottom shelf, or when I was teaching my class I could not do certain poses like pigeon pose, it just hurt too much. 

I did a hair analysis test and found out I was sensitive to almond and avocado (which I was eating everyday because they are healthy right), plus my B vitamins were low. 

I eliminated the almonds and avocado for 3 months and started a B vitamin supplement and in 3 months my knee pain was reduced so much that I pretty much forgot that it was even an issue.

I created this consultation to help others as I have helped myself!

Who Will Benefit From A Hair Analysis Consultation?

  • If you are someone who is dealing with chronic inflammation and who wants to find out the food sensitivities and vitamin/mineral deficiencies they have so that they can know some of the root cause of their discomfort and pain.
  • If you have joint pain, digestive discomfort, skin issues like acne, psoriasis and eczema,  brain fog, a chronic illness and pain that will not go away.
  • If you are taking medications, supplements and herbal remedies but nothing seems to be working.  You may even be eating well and still struggling with discomfort, pain and inflammation...

If any of this sounds like you, the Hair Analysis Consultation will help to give you those answers so you can get back on track.

So, what do you say? Does the Hair Analysis Program resonate with you?

Click below to book your consultation!